New Bride Manners (cartoon)
New Bride Manners
The new bride is a good reward from Allah to the new partner, because she has started a household life by following the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaah allaihiwasalam.
1. Be gentle to your wife on the first night
Husbands are encouraged to be gentle with their wives on the first night, for example by serving drinks.
"I decorated Aisyah for Rasulullah, then I went to her and told her to come see Ayesha. Then he came and sat beside Aisyah. He was given a large glass of milk. The Prophet sallallaah allaihiwasalam drank then gave it to Ayesha, but Ayesha looked down in shame. "Asma continued," So I scolded Aisyah. I said to him, 'Accept it from the hand of the Prophet sallallaah allaihiwasalam.' Asma said, "Ayesha took it and drank a little. Then the Prophet sallallaah allaihiwasalam said to him, 'Give it to your friends. 'Asma said, "O Messenger of Allah, take him and drink, then give it to me from your hand. So he took it and drank it then gave it to me. "Asma said," Then I bowed then put it on my knees, then I turned it (looking for the part in which the Prophet sallallaah allaihiwasalam drank) and I put my lips on that part to get the drink of the Prophet sallallaah allaihiwasalam. But they replied, 'We don't want to. The Prophet sallallaah allaihiwasalam said, do not collect thirst and lies. " (Narrated by Ahmad with two sanads which mutually reinforce each other and Al-Humaidi in his Musnad, and this hadith has a Syahid in the history of Ath-Thabrani).
2. Put your hands on your wife's head and pray for her
Husbands should put their hands on the front of the wife's head on the first night or before that, chant the name of Allah Tabaraka wa Ta'ala and ask her for blessings.
"If someone of you marries or buys a slave, then he should hold his head, chant the name of Allah A'nna on the face, pray for him with blessings, and say, 'O Allah, I actually ask You of his goodness and goodness of nature that You have created. to him, and I shall take refuge from his ugliness and ugliness of nature which You have created him. " Narrated by Ahmad
Read also : Do'a & Husband and Wife Life Rules
3. Pray together
Both are encouraged to pray two rak'ahs together, because this was narrated from As-Salaf.
"I got married when I was still a slave, I invited some of the friends of Salallah allihiwasalam, among them Ibnuh Mas'ud, Abu Dhar, and Hudzaifah." Abu Sa'id continued, "Iqamat prayer was pronounced, so Abu Dhar stepped forward. They said, 'Wait a minute.' He asked, 'Is that so?' then pray two rak'ahs, then ask Allah for the goodness of what comes to you, and take refuge in Him from its badness. After that the business is up to you and your wife. " Narrated by Ibnuh Abu Syaibah
4. Prayer Before Husband and Wife Relationship
When a husband wants to intercourse with a wife he should read a prayer,
Bissmillah allahumma jannibnas saytona waannibs saytona maro zaqtana.
Meaning: "In the name of Allah. O Allah, keep us away from Satan and keep away the devil from what You have given us. "
5. How Husbands and Wives
A husband can beat his wife on his genitals from any direction he wants, from the back or from the front, based on the Word of Allah Tabaraka wa Ta'ala
Nisa'u wukum harsun lakum fa'tul harsakum a'nna si'itum
Meaning: "your wives are ladangg for you, then come to the field in the way you like." (Al-Baqarah: 223).
"The Jews say, if a husband fuck his wife on the genitals from behind, the child will squint." Then come down the verse, Your wives are fields for you, then come your fields in the way you like. (Al-Baqarah; chapter 1: verse 223). So the Prophet said, "From the front or from behind, as long as the genitals." Narrated by Al-Bukhari, Muslim and An-Nasa'i.
This is the article entitled Adab-Adab New Bride
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