
Smooth The Voices Of Husband and Wife

Smooth The Voices Of Husband and Wife

Soften Your Voice

Do you, O wife, raise your voice in front of your husband? Among female beauties is the tenderness and low level of her voice. Something that has removed its gentle nature means that it has lost its beauty, therefore Allah Ta'allah said,

"O Prophet's wives, you are not like other women, if you are cautious. So do not be submissive in speaking, so that the person who has a disease in his heart desires and speak good words. (Al-ahzab; surah 33: verse 32).

But it is very unfortunate, not a few women even say softly to people whom she cannot say softly to her, and speak harshly in front of people who if she softens her words, she will gain happiness in this world and good fortune in the hereafter, with the permission of Allah.

Read also : Do'a & Husband and Wife Life Rules

I hope my husband doesn't feel the need to stuff his ears with cotton wool. Some husbands do not know the tender words of their wives, their beautiful structures, the art of speaking and dialogue except when they are talking to relatives or friends. You, husband, I tell you what I say to your wife, I invite you to say soft and gentle words to everyone, especially those closest to you.

Husbands brothers ...., one day your wife is angry with you and raises her voice in front of you, or speaks a word that you do not accept, be patient and accept it, let her express what is in her heart, she only has her mouth, because she has no right beat you, or mentak you, or kick you out of the house, because it's your home and leadership in your hands.

Don't throw him down, because that could give birth to mental problems or it could be a reason for him to find a friend to confide in sometimes through an unclean relationship.
Then you, O wife who seek happiness, when I advise your husband to be like that, let you not understand that it is a recommendation for you to do it and my consent to you to denounce him, but I warn you not to do it, because I cannot guarantee the consequences that well. Know and should the husband also know that a gentle attitude, if he clings to something, surely he will decorate it, this is not news from me, but from Al-Habib Rasulullah shalallah 'allaihi wasalam.
"O sir, be gentle with them, for being gentle towards the transgressors is a strong rebuke (whip). How many sins are born out of closeness (to someone) and how many estrangements (relationships) arise from closeness. "

This is the article entitled Soften the Voices of Husband and Wife

Thank you for reading this article, hopefully you will get wisdom and guidance so that you become better people, and we only live for a while so we are afraid of the afterlife.

The article that you are reading is entitled Soften the Voice of Husband and Wife which has been published by www.esaislam.online

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