
Recitation of the Qur'an

11 The Virtues of Reading Recitations of the Qur'an

Recitation of the Qur'an

Honorable piety, actually reading the Al-Qur'an, studying, and practicing it along with understanding and contemplation contains great rewards, valuable treasures and the virtue of reading the recitations of the Qur'an.

1. Bringing Goodness
"Whoever reads one letter from the Book of Allah, then for him one goodness and one goodness will be rewarded ten times as much. I'm not saying, 'Alif lam mim is one letter,' but alif is one letter, lam is one letter, and mim is one letter. " Narrated by At-Tarmidzi

2. Raising Degrees In Heaven
"It will be said to the memorizer of the Al-Quran, 'Read and go up, and read it with tartil as you read it tartil in the world, because in fact your position is at the end of the verse you read'. Narrated by Ahmad Abu Dawud, and At-Tarmidzi.

3. With the Noble and Good Angels
"People who read the Al-Quran and he is proficient in reading it, he will be with the angels who are noble and kind. Meanwhile, those who read the Al-Qur'an haltingly and reciting it is difficult for him, then he will get two rewards. " Muttafaq 'alaih

4. Reaching for Syafa'at
"Read the Al-Qur'an, because he will come on the Day of Resurrection as a sayfa'at for the readers." Narrated by Muslim
"Al-Qur'an and its experts, namely those who practice in the world will be brought in on the Day of Judgment, it is preceded by Surat Ali Imran, both of them defend those who practice." Narrated by Muslim

5. Obtaining Kindness
"It is best if those among you are the ones who study the Al-Qur'an and teach it." Narrated by Al-Bukhari.

6. Reaching Closer to Allah
"Surely Allah has a family from among humans." So they were asked, "O Messenger of Allah, who is Allah's family among them?" Rasulullah Sallallah 'allaihi wasalam replied, "They are memorizers of the Qur'an, they are the family of Allah and people in particular." Narrated by Ahmad and Ibnuh Majah, confirmed by Al-Albani.

Read too : 5 Virtues In Memorizing Accurate Al-Qur'an

7. Reaching Serenity, Serenity and Grace
"Not one people gather in one of the houses of Allah in a state of reading the Book of Allah and studying it among them, but it descends to them serenity, they are filled with grace, are surrounded by angels, and Allah calls them among the angels who are by His side. Narrated by Muslim

8. Reaching for the Ridha Allah
"The Qur'an will come on the Day of Judgment, it said, 'O my Lord, give him jewels.' So he was clothed with a crown of glory. Then he said, 'O my Lord, add it to him.' So he was dressed in the robe of glory. Then he said, "O my Lord, please be pleased with him." So Allah pleased him, and said to him, "Read and go up, and add to you one good with every verse." Narrated by At-Tarmidzi and Al-Hakim, inscribed by Al-Albani.

9. Safe From Negligence
"Whoever reads a hundred verses in one night, then he is not written in the group of people who are negligent, or he is written including those who are obedient." Narrated by Ibnuh Khuzaimah.

10. Safe From Devil
"Do not turn your houses into graves, in fact Satan runs away from the house in which Surah Al-Baqarah reads." Narrated by Muslim.
"Whoever reads the last two verses of Surah Al-Baqarah in one night, surely both of them are sufficient." Muttafaq 'alaih.

11. Safe From Witches
"Read Surah Al-Baqarah, because the truth is to take it is a blessing to leave it is regret, and sorcerers are not able to fight it." Narrated by Muslim.

This is the article entitled Tilawah Al-Qur'an

Thank you for reading this article, hopefully you will get wisdom and guidance to become better people, and we only live for a while so we are afraid of the afterlife.

The article that you are currently reading is entitled Tilawah Al-Qur'an which has been published by www.esaislam.online

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