Abu Bakr's Father Ash-Siddiq Was Covered by Dzi Thuwa
The story of the Islamic Father of Abu Bakr Ash-Siddiq
From Asma bint Abi Bakar RA, he said, "When the Prophet sallallaah 'allaihi wassalam was on the hill of Dzi Thuwa (in the Fathu Makkah incident), Abu Quhafah said to his youngest daughter,' O my son, help me pay attention to or explain the hill of Abu. Qubais. 'His daughter said,' Even though at that time his eyes were blind. I also went up the hill to explain what happened there.
Abu Quhafah asked, 'O my daughter what did you see?'
The daughter replied, "I see black clustered."
Abu Quhafah explained, "It was cavalry."
The daughter added, 'I also saw a man walking back and forth amidst the black crowd!'
Abu Quhafah made it clear. "That's the head of the cavalry, he signals to his troops and orders forward!"
His daughter, 'Now, By Allah the black color has spread!'
Abu Quhafa said, "Then, By Allah, if the army has advanced, immediately take me home."
Then the girl came down from the hill and grabbed her father. He paired with the cavalry before arriving home. The girl was wearing a silver necklace around her neck, when she went out with a man she snatched the necklace around her neck.
Read too : The Story of Repentance Nasuha
No less, the Prophet sallallaah 'allaihi wassalam entered Mecca and was in the mosque, Abu Bakr and his father came to see the Prophet sallallaah' allaihi wassalam. As soon as the Prophet sallallaah 'allaihi wassalam saw him, he said,' Why don't you just invite your father to stay at home so that I can come to him? 'Abu Bakr replied,' O Messenger of Allah, it was my father who walked we met you instead of you walked to meet him! '
Then the Prophet sallallaah 'allaihi wassalam sat him down in front of himself, then he sallallaah' allaihi wassalam rubbed his chest saying, 'Enter Islam, you.' Abu Bakr's father converted to Islam.
Abu Bakr and his father entered the room of the Prophet sallallaah 'allaihi wassalam, and like the hair of Abu Bakr's father was like white grass (because it was gray).
Then the Prophet sallallaah 'allaihi wassalam,' Change his gray hair with this! 'Abu Bakr then got up from his seat and took his sister's hand, saying,' I swear by Allah and the glory of Islam, please return my sister's necklace. 'But no one fulfilled his request. Seeing things like this, Rasulullah shalallah 'allaihi wassalam,' O my sister, ask for merits for your greatness to lose your necklace, Thus Allah, actually the trust of people in this era is very little. "
A lesson for us "Let a Muslim when there is a disaster, hope for reward for that disaster and always be patient"
This is the article entitled Father Abu Bakr as-Siddiq on the Dzi Thuwa
Thank you for reading this article, hopefully you will get wisdom and guidance so that you become better people, and we live only temporarily so we are afraid of the hereafter.
The article you are reading is entitled Ayah Abu Bakr Ash-Siddiq on the Hill of Dzi Thuwa which has been published by www.esaislam.online
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