
Image of Living Things That Will Be punished on the Day of Judgment (Avatar Viral FB)

A Living Being (Avatar)

Image of Living Things That Will Be punished on the Day of Judgment (Avatar Viral FB)

The law of drawing living things that animate in Islam
Islam is a perfect religion that brings goodness to all human beings and prevents everything that is bad for them. There is no commandment in Islam unless it is definitely beneficial for humans, and there is no prohibition in Islam, unless it is harmful if it is done by humans.
Therefore, Islamic law also guides people to take all means to good and close all suggestions to evil.
Delivering the means to evil is the drawing of an animate living being for whatever reason, because the drawing of an animate living being is a means to a great many evils.

From Abu Hurairah radhiallahu'anhu, he said "I heard Rasulullah Sallallahu'alaihi wasalam say."
Allah'azza wa jalla said "Who is more unjust than the one who created like my creation, then make a picture of a seed, or plant seed (wheat)." In this hadith there is also guidance for people who want to draw animate living things such as seeds, or plant seeds (wheat).

"The person who punishes the harshest on the Day of Resurrection, with Allah is a drawing artist (HR.Bukhari)."
"The person who draws these (pictures) is like the image of a living being who will be punished on the Day of Resurrection, and will be told to them (Live what you draw)."
What we see now is that Facebook is posting viral about avatar images:

Which starts from forming the curves of a woman's body, resembling a animate creature with a perfect wholeness of (eyes, nose, mulu), and dressing that is not in accordance with Islamic law (wearing pants), dressed like a ignorant person (wearing high haighlis), ord images. indeed wearing a namut veil is not in accordance with Islamic law.

If so, it includes the image of a living creature animating with perfection. It is the same as matching Allah's creation, whether it's drawing by yourself or just using the facilities from Facebook, there is no surgery and what's more, the avatar images that we share are widely used with Islamic law.

As scholars, give leeway to draw animate creatures if:
- There is no head, or there is a head but the face is imperfect because it does not belong to Allah's creation. The point is that no human being created by Allah is without a head or a head without a face.
Al-Imam Al-Wadi'iy Rahimahullah said "If the existence of gamabar is still forming, which still has a figure (apparently) then it is haram, if the head is cut off or its parts separated it is permissible, and this is the (opinion) most right."

Read too : Some chosen prophets, rewards, and punishment against the prophet

- Shaykh Muhammad bin Salih Al-Uthaimin Rahimahullah said "The image of a animate creature is not clear, such as one that has limbs such as a head and neck, but has no eyes and no nose, so this is not a problem because it does not match Allah's creation.
- "If the image of a living being is not clear, that is, it has no eyes, no nose, no mouth, and no fingers, then this is not a picture of a living being that is perfect and does not belong to Allah's creation."
For a mu'min should choose the best and accept whatever has been decided by Islamic law.

This is the article entitled Descriptions of Animated Living Beings to be punished on the Day of Judgment (Avatar Viral FB)

Thank you for reading this article, hopefully you will get wisdom and guidance to become better people, and we only live for a while so we are afraid of the afterlife.

The article that you are reading is entitled The Image of Living Beings That Will Be punished on the Day of Judgment (Avatar Viral FB) which has been broadcast by www.esaislam.online

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