
The Virtue of Praying Women in Their Own Home and Not Allowed to be "Anakislami"

The Virtue of Praying a Woman in Her Own Home

The Virtue of Praying Women in Their Own Home and Not Allowed to be "Anakislami"

In this section we will discuss about the virtues of praying a woman (wife) in her own house and her prayer is more important than praying in the mosque, even in congregation with the Prophet.
Humaid As Sa'id narrated about a woman who came to the Prophet and the woman asked:

"O Messenger of Allah, in fact your servant is very happy if you pray together with you".

The Prophet replied:
"I know you like to pray together with me. But your prayer in your own house is more important than your prayer in your room and your prayer in your room is more important than your prayer on the porch of your house and your prayer on the porch of your house is more important than the prayer in my mosque.
That is none other than to maintain self-isolation as a right that needs to be protected.

Rasulullah Shalallah 'allahi wasalam said:
"In fact, a woman's prayer in her house is better than her prayer in her room, and in fact the prayer of a woman in her room is better than her prayer in the porch of her house, and her prayer of a woman on the porch of her house is better than her prayer in a mosque." (Al-Hadith narrated by Al-baihaqi from Aisyah Ra)

Rasulullah Shalallah 'allahi wasalam said:
"A woman's prayer in her house is more important than her prayer in her room and her prayer in the room in the middle of her house is better than praying on her porch."

Narrated by Abi Daud from Ibn Mas'ud and the narration of Al-Hakim from Umm Salamah Rasulullah Shalallah 'allahi wasalam said:
"Shallatul mar-ati wahdahaa tafdhulu 'alaashlaatihaa fil jam'i bikhamsin wa'isyriina darajat'an"
"The prayer of a woman alone equals her prayer in congregation by gaining twenty-five degrees."

Rasulullah Shalallah 'allahi wasalam said:
"Inna ahabba shalaatil mar-ati ilallaahi fiiasyaddi makaanin fii baitihaa"
"Indeed, the prayer of a woman that Allah likes the most is the one that is carried out in her dark house."

Read too : Nasuha Repentance

Rasulullah Shalallah 'allahi wasalam said :
"Indeed, a wife who leaves the house even though there is no urgent need, then the devil continues to pay attention and follow her. Satan said "don't you waste every time passing someone unless he admires you". Then the woman put on her clothes, when her husband asked her "where are you going?" he replied "I want to visit a sick person, or want to attend a jenaza departure ceremony or pray in the mosque". In fact, there is no worship of a woman that is more perfect to her God except for what is done in her own house ”.

It is narrated from Abu Syaibani that, he saw Abdullah bin Asy-Shyab banish women from the mosque on Friday he said: “Go out of your houses. It's much better for you. Narrated by Sulaiman Al-Lakhami from Ath-Thabrani

It is reported that there was a woman who passed close to Abu Hurairah Ra. He smelled very fragrant. Abu Hurairah asked:
"Hey women where are you going?"
He answered "I want to go to the mosque"
Abu Hurairah continued:
"Are you wearing fragrance?"
He answered "Yes"
Abu Hurairah said:
"Come back, take a shower first. Because I have heard that the Prophet sallallaah "allahi wasalam said" Allah will not accept the prayers of a woman who goes out to the mosque with a fragrant aroma so she returns home and takes a bath "(Al-Hadith)

What is meant by bathing in the hadith is to get rid of the fragrant smell caused by the smell of the perfumed oil, so that it is not specifically focused on the bath but in order to get rid of the fragrant smell.

Rasulullah Shalallah 'allahi wasalam said:
"Al mukhtali'atu wal mutabarrijaatu hunnal munaafiqaatu"
"Women who ask for their husbands divorce without udzur and women who show their jewelry (grooming) to many people are considered hypocrites". (Narrated by Abu Na'im and Ibn Mas'ud

This is the article entitled The Virtue of Praying Women in Their Own Home and Not Allowed to be "Anakislami"

Thank you for reading this article, hopefully you will get wisdom and guidance so that you become better people, and we live only temporarily so we are afraid of the hereafter.

The article that you are reading is entitled The Virtue of Praying for Women in Their Own Home and Not Allowed to Buy "Anakislami" which has been published by www.esaislam.online

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